The nesting materials we use are generally commercial nesting materials

Black Pit Fishing Technique II, Nesting Now the nesting materials we use are generally commercial nesting materials and very few people do it by themselves! I think commodity nesting materials are expensive, but their effects are better than those made by yourself. Long time is not good!

The bloodworms are easy to die! 3, cut a small amount of bloodworms and pour into the dry powder bait and add water to make it Redworm rubbing bait is commonly known as 'roujiamo'! This method is my favorite rubbing bait. It is much more convenient for the fish to eat bait! In summer, the temperature is high and the fish’s mouth can be adjusted higher, such as 5 mesh, 2 mesh or 3 mesh, but no matter what You must consider the specific gravity of the bait and the size of the float when you adjust the number of fishing.

If it is a fishing position, it is good to say that everyone is fair and it depends on whose fishing line spoolers Manufacturers luck is good! How about the position? It depends on who can get up early, who is the first to arrive! Hehe! I think it’s best to choose a place with fewer individuals and a leeward at this time. But the fish in the fishing pond is transported from all directions. A beautiful signal requires careful adjustment of the float 'Drift adjustment process omit 10,000 words'. Hooks! Many people like to use the new Kanto hook.. These are the fishes and personal choices!   

Black Pit Fishing Tips 4: Fishing Position Whether it is a black pit or a competition fishing position is very important, long fishing waist square fishing angle is a regular choice, but sometimes it is not like this!

The choice of fishing position can directly affect your catch, fishing club, Fishing friends know that no matter which fish pond is almost the same, there are always a few fishing positions who like to fish. My skills are also very general. Add bloodworms or small medicines that you feel can be used when nesting. Use a bloodworm clip and a leather case to directly clamp the bloodworm and then hook it to 'Available at Fishing Tackle Shop'; 2

Many times the mouth of the fish is still small

Some fishing friends may ask, many times the mouth of the fish is still small, is it floating? This is mostly a problem of fish eating habits, which can be solved by changing the thin strands. Fishing Set ishing rods are generally short first and then long. Spring Black Pit Fishing Tips fishing line spooler3.. Summarized a few points for the reference of fishing friends of the fishing club. Accurate, fast in place, slow walking.   

Spring Black Pit Fishing Tips #2, Fishing Position The location of the sun is better than the cold location, # the down vent is better than the up vent (except for strong winds of 567), the new fish are mostly in shallow water, and the old fish are mostly in deep water. In spring, it is windy and difficult to throw. Following is the original text of Teacher Dagua Yubo: Fishing is relatively frequent recently, basically three to four times a week, try different fishing grounds, different fish conditions, to verify some of my understanding of spring black pits, and avoid passing wrong information to fishermen.   

Spring black pit fishing techniques No. The advantage of large floats is to throw. Basically, it is mainly the small medicine with sweet potato flavor and sweet flavor and bloodworm fishing. Floats are generally slightly larger. New fishes close to the shore should be replaced as long as possible after fishing, so that many old fish can be caught. If there are no fishing friends around, it is recommended to move to another fishing position.

It is easy to cause water drift. The influence of the black pit season on the bait is relatively small, mainly depending on the feeding habits of the fish species.As the saying goes, when the Qijiu River opens, eight and nine swallows come. Fishing clubs are more fierce to eat until the spawning period. I don’t know how old it is, every fisherman, hurry up and prepare for spring fishing. The water is relatively cold in spring, and there are more fish clusters. You can choose the fishing spot according to the ratio of new fish to old fish.

The fishing club will also learn with you today. Spring is the peak period for fish foraging. No, I have summarized a few basic techniques of spring fishing on Yubo. The sweet potato teacher has been fishing quite frequently recently.   Carp: At present, due to the cold weather, fish activity is still low, and the phenomenon of people looking for fish is still serious. 1, bait taste    Crucian carp: Grain is fragrant and fruity, and it has a good effect on the white crucian carp, whether it is fish in Jiangsu or locally cultivated in the north

It is best to use large black-headed male bloodworms

The length of the strand is about 5 cm. It is best to use large black-headed male bloodworms. If it is too long, it is not conducive to throwing. The lower rod holder can effectively shelter from the wind; second, it is beneficial to the hook of the benthic crucian carp. If the river is frozen, the junction between the ice and the river is also a good fishing spot.

Although the price of the male bloodworm is a bit more expensive, the effect of fishing is good, so I always use the male bloodworm as the first choice for winter fishing wild crucian carp. I think the effect of bloodworms is far better than that of earthworms. At this time, the rod should be quickly lifted to lift the fish. This is very important. Male bloodworms are used because they are large in size, thick skin, strong in fishy smell, and red in color, and their hooking and fish attracting effects are far better than female bloodworms.When the winter enters each year, most of the fishermen who like wild fishing rarely go out fishing, and many more simply 'knife and gun storage'.

The tip of the raft pole is extremely thin, and the front end of the pole tip is printed with a colored grid. The female bloodworm skin is too thin fishing line spoolers and easy to break when worn, and once the body fluids leak out, its fish attracting effect will be greatly reduced. It’s best to tie the string hook by yourself.

A small downward bend after the tip of the pole is slightly moved. I hope that those who 'knife and gun storage' in winter can also enjoy the fun of winter fishing. Winter wild fishing techniques for crucian carp, third, with bait Most fishermen choose earthworms and bloodworms as their first choice for wild fishing in winter. Since the tip of the rod is brightly colored, the shaking of the tip of the rod when there is a fish signal looks very eye-catching. I am used to not showing the hook tip.

Generally, if you don’t catch the fish for 15 minutes, you need to tempt it. Winter wild fishing techniques for crucian carp fourth, specific operation It does not matter whether the hook head is exposed or not. Wait patiently at home for the coming spring. Generally, one-handed sideways use the tenacity of the tip of the pole to throw the string group out.

The new concept of fishing gear and equipment marketing is quite different from the past

Today, the new concept of fishing gear and equipment marketing is quite different from the past. In fact, there are many aspects related to the diversification of fishing gear and equipment. Fishing gear and equipment manufacturers must be in a state of courage to meet new challenges at any time.

Although the current production of fishing gear and equipment has certain scale and production advantages, it is far from enough for the current market demand.

I believe that after hard work, the diversification of fishing gear and equipment will be more stable.Under the new situation of the fishing gear and equipment industry, companies that produce fishing gear and equipment must work harder to explore and innovate, and fishing tackle Manufacture move towards the diversified development of fishing gear and equipment.

For example, fishing gear and equipment manufacturers need to adhere to the standardization of management in operation and management, standards must be internationalized, products must be serialized research and development, and structure diversification. Therefore, the diversified development of fishing gear and equipment will be full of various challenges. Production should also be professionally improved

The quality of the fishing rod equipment is very important to the angler

The quality and tune of the fishing rod equipment are of course important, but we must carefully check whether the various components of the fishing rod are qualified, and select good quality rod equipment.

So, is there any way to judge the quality of fishing rod equipment? The quality of the fishing rod equipment is very important to the angler. Check whether the fishing tackle Suppliers rod body is straight, shake your hand a few times, and feel whether there is a rattling sound.

Clamp the fishing rod under the armpit, extract it from the details, check it section by section to see if there are cracks and scratches, and whether there is a gap between the sections running in; 3. If a good rod is used smoothly, the harvest will be more.

Then see if the tonality of the fishing rod meets the fishing requirements. Check whether the characters and patterns of the pole body are clear and vivid: whether there are three no products;  Check the appearance first. Open the leaking cover at the rear end of the pole body, check the two ends of each section to see the smoothness of the inner wall, and see whether the wall of each section is even; If there is such a sound, it means that the rod mouth is not well ground.

It is more troublesome to encounter small trash fish

During wild fishing, it is more troublesome to encounter small trash fish. And those female worms with green or black heads are half alive after being hooked, they will not struggle desperately, and the effect of attracting fish is far less than the former.Whether it’s black pit or river fishing, bloodworm bait is a very good bait, especially in the late autumn of each year to late spring of the following year, it is the first choice for anglers, and it can be used for fishing crucian carp and carp. Red worms vary in size and thickness, and many fishermen like to divide them into males and females. Or put the red worm bait in a basin with sediment, where they can live for a long time. It is often used to lure fish when fishing in rivers. 1. However, when bait is used, the amount of male insects is much smaller than that of female insects.

Happiness or Joy. Outdoor fingers under the temperature are very unwilling, and tying insect bait takes more time. Remember not to raise it with plastic or aluminum products. Take it out and take it with you a few hours before you go out. The type of bait that has a blue-black male worm on its head will struggle desperately after being placed underwater. Species According to authoritative surveys, red worms can be found almost all over the world, ranging from swamps to the polar regions. 

This information comes from China. The female worms are mostly slender and long, which causes the fish to float when they reach the worm body outside the hook when fishing crucian carp, but the hook is often empty after lifting the rod. The former is about 20 mm long, relatively thick, short and stiff, with a bluish-black head and bite-resistant. However, after this treatment, the blackened bloodworms in the bundle cannot be treated well, and the fish catching rate will be reduced when fishing crucian carp. Types and selection of red worm bait 1. The temperature cannot be lower than zero. If you think that this kind of manuscript infringes your legal rights, please send the relevant qualification certificate to. Female insects are often combined with commercial bait for nesting or pulling bait. The body is peeled off by trash fish, and the remaining white skin is completely unable to attract fish. The latter is 25 mm or even 30 mm long, has a slender body, and has a black or green head.

Good harvest. When using this method, you have to change the water once a day or two to pick out the blackened red worms in time. If the outdoor temperature is below zero degrees Celsius, you can put it in your coat pocket, and when the outdoor temperature is above zero degrees Celsius, you can put it on the ice. Such a fresh twist is fatal to underwater fish. Fishing friends who have a refrigerator at home can make full use of it, but don’t know if their family allows it? The author just said in passing. If you use live bloodworms directly, you can spread several layers of wet cloth or newspaper in the container. They can survive for half a month. To avoid this situation, the fisherman can tie bait at home and take it to the fishing field. 2. When wild fishing, everyone uses live bait as much as possible. This manuscript does not represent the views of this website, and this website does not bear joint and several liability for the infringement of such manuscripts.

Frozen bait should be used after melting. If wholesale fishing tackle Suppliers the bait has been tied up, moisten it with some water, then put it in a small plastic bag, tie the bag mouth to exhaust, put it in the freezer and freeze it, just take it out before fishing. Red worms are afraid of heat, so put them in plastic bags and put them in the refrigerator. [Disclaimer] The purpose of the works reproduced on this website is to convey more information. Let us share and look forward to your, and the staff of China Net Library will reply and deal with it in time!. A few hours before going fishing in the river, the worm and soil can be separated by sifting out the sediment with a sieve.

So far, there are as many as thousands of known species, and there are hundreds of species in China. This method can be stored for a long time and is convenient. In the market, the price of male insects is 5-10 times that of female insects. If the road is far away, in order to prevent the ice from melting, use a vacuum flask instead. The simplest and most direct way of keeping bloodworms is to put them directly on a damp cloth, and then keep them tightly wrapped, so that they can last for about 3 days. Second, the storage and usage of bloodworms 1. . Or find some relatively large ceramic or glass containers, stainless steel boxes, pour clean water into them, pour bloodworm bait and put them in the refrigerator. For more information, please pay attention to the public account: Fishing Tackle Industry Belt. Fishing in autumn, using it as bait can attract big fish. Tie up the red worm bait, then put it in the hook box and store it in the refrigerator